Now Available

Apocalypse: Usifrim

I have to say, I LOVE this book! I know I am biased, but trust me when I say you will too when you read it.

A little backstory: the idea for my book came to me in a dream. I had a dream one night and when I woke up the next day I brushed it off as a weird dream. The next night was the exact same dream. Again I dismissed it as peculiar, but continued to ignore it. Then the third night was the same dream again. This time when I woke up I wrote it down. Three times the charm right? Well it didn’t end there. The fourth night the dream continued where it left off. I wrote it down the next morning. Fifth night, same thing, it continued. So I continued to write. For a whole week I had continuing dreams. Each time I would write them down. In the end I had quite a few notes and sketches and when I looked at them I knew… This is three books, a Trilogy. Apocalypse: Usifrim is the first of that Trilogy.

Claire, an orphan living at the Usifrim Academy, has spent her life preparing to bond her soul to a demon in order to fight for a safer world. She wasn’t prepared for Nero Kelldonis, a strong and sexy demon of the seventh sin, Lust. Claire’s moral foundation is shaken and her long-time crush boils over. All this, coupled with her fragile self-esteem, is wreaking havoc with her mission: save her home from utter destruction.

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Copyright Author Sheena Perry